Pedal Box
  As a Chassis sub team member, I was tasked with redesigning the Pedalbox for the new competition vehicle. The main goals were to optimize weight and load retention, as well as adhere to all the competition safety rules. I used principles learned in Solid Mechanics and Dynamics to account for stresses and modes of failure.

I modeled it in Solidworks, and thus learned Finite Element Analysis to use as a tool for minimizing stresses. Topology studies allowed me to pinpoint areas to remove – in order to optimize weight. Ergonomics was also a key, so I tested out varying shapes of pedals to see which was most comfortable.

Due to COVID-19, the 2020 competition was canceled, and work was halted on the Pedal box. As things restarted for the 2021 season, my focus was shifted to designing a front wing for our new vehicle. 

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